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The State’s Strengths
As Malaysia’s most developed state, Selangor’s robust economic growth is propelled by its rich natural resources, world-class land, sea and air connectivity, and unrivalled urban commercialisation.
The modern business infrastructure boasts of Malaysia’s best-connected and secure business complexes.
Selangor is colloquially known as “The Golden State” of Malaysia.
Highly Skilled Workforce
Selangor attracts the country’s most talented and skilled workforce.
Extensively connected throughout the backbone of Malaysia’s road, sea and air infrastructure.
Business-Friendly Support
Selangor provides a business-friendly support for all investors to maximise investments in the state.
Economic Strength
Selangor’s robust economic growth is propelled by its world-class land, sea & air connectivity, unrivalled urban commercialisation and growing talent pool. (*Source: DOSM – GDP By State 2018 – 2022)
Invest Selangor Corporate Brochure
2023 Track
Track Record
Share of National GDP
GDP Growth
Total Investment (Manufacturing)
Approved Project (Manufacturing)
Potential Employment (Manufacturing)
Total Investment (Services)
Approved Project (Services)
Potential Employment (Services)
2023 Track Record
Share of National GDP
GDP Growth
Total Investment (Manufacturing)
Approved Project (Manufacturing)
Potential Employment (Manufacturing)
Total Investment (Services)
Approved Project (Services)
Potential Employment (Services)
Check out Selangor’s investment performance
The Future-Proof State
Discover how you can leverage Selangor’s vibrant ecosystem within the 7 core clusters. Accelerate your business growth with Invest Selangor today!
All you need to know about doing business in Selangor.
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YBhg. Dato' Teng Chang Khim, Former Selangor State EXCO for Investment, Industry & Trade (2014-2023), praises Invest Selangor’s agility and achievements over 25 remarkable years, with a bright future ahead.
Unlock growth opportunities in Selangor at!
Invest Selangor, through S-DAICO, had the privilege of hosting a collaborative engagement session with Concordia University, one of the leading universities in the world for aerospace engineering.
This engagement brought together academicians, institutions, and industry players from Selangor and Malaysia, and the exchange of ideas showcased the synergy between Malaysia and Canada, opening doors to exciting opportunities in education, technology, and industry development.
Such engagements highlight the importance of building international partnerships to drive progress and mutual growth. Here's to stronger ties between our nations and unlocking new possibilities for the future.
#InvestSelangor #Selangor #KitaSelangorMajuBersama
Seluruh warga kerja Invest Selangor Berhad merafak sembah dan mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah Sempena Ulang Tahun Hari Keputeraan Yang Ke-34 Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Tengku Amir Shah Ibni Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Alhaj pada 12 Disember 2024.
Semoga D.Y.T.M. Tuanku dikurniakan kesejahteraan dan kesihatan yang baik, dianugerahkan segala taufik dan hidayah, kehormatan dan kemuliaan.
#SAS2024 Daily Highlights Day 3
Invest Selangor October 28, 2024 2:11 pm
#SAS2024 Daily Highlights Day 2
Invest Selangor October 28, 2024 2:08 pm
#SAS2024 Daily Highlights Day 1
Invest Selangor October 28, 2024 2:02 pm
Invest Selangor wishes all Hindu devotees a meaningful and joyful Thaipusam. May this occasion bring peace and happiness to you and your family. Have a wonderful celebration!
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Invest Selangor was deeply honored to witness the official launch of Eaton Aerospace Component Services Asia Sdn. Bhd. (EAS) on 22 January 2025 in Shah Alam.
During the ceremony, YB Ng Sze Han, Selangor’s State EXCO for Investment, Trade, and Mobility, extended his heartfelt congratulations to EAS, a strategic joint venture between SIA Engineering Company Limited (SIAEC) and Eaton.
This momentous event highlights Selangor’s steadfast commitment to fostering growth and innovation within the aerospace sector. Selangor remains dedicated to supporting cutting-edge industries that fuel global partnerships and drive technological advancements. ✈️
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Merafak Sembah dan Menjunjung Kasih dan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan di atas perkenan DYMM Sultan Selangor dan DYMM Tengku Permaisuri Selangor berangkat mencemar duli ke Majlis Sambutan Perayaan Tahun Baru Cina Peringkat Negeri Selangor Tahun 2025 yang telah berlangsung di Pekarangan Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Temple, Jenjarom.
Turut bersama memeriahkan majlis tersebut adalah YAB Dato’ Seri Amirudin Bin Shari, Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor, YB Senator Tengku Dato’ Seri Zafrul bin Tengku Abdul Aziz, Menteri Pelaburan, Perdagangan dan Industri, YB Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Fadzli bin Ahmad Tajuddin, Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Selangor, YB Tuan Ng Sze Han, EXCO Pelaburan, Perdagangan & Mobiliti Negeri Selangor, serta wakil Kedutaan, Ketua-Ketua Jabatan Negeri, dan rakyat jelata yang turut hadir bagi memeriahkan acara penuh simbolik ini.
Dalam majlis tersebut, Baginda turut berkenan melawat tapak Pesta Tanglung dan Pameran Bunga-Bungaan, yang melambangkan keindahan budaya serta keharmonian masyarakat berbilang kaum di Negeri Selangor.
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Sedang berlangsung! 📢
Orang ramai dijemput hadir ke Majlis Sambutan Tahun Baru Cina Negeri Selangor 2025 yang bertempat di Pekarangan Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Temple, Jenjarom.
Antara aktiviti menarik yang berlangsung pada hari ini termasuk persembahan Diabolo dan persembahan tarian kebudayaan dari pelbagai sekolah seperti SJK(C) Jenjarom, SJK (T) Jenjarom, SK Sungai Judah, Pulau Carey, SK Jenjarom & SK Sungai Bumbun. Terdapat juga persembahan Harmonica, koir, dan aksi wushu yang pastinya memukau penonton. Selain itu, Kerajaan Negeri Selangor turut menyampaikan sumbangan ‘angpow’ kepada kanak-kanak berusia bawah 12 tahun, serta pemberian buah limau sebagai tanda kemeriahan perayaan.
Sambutan ini akan berlangsung sehingga 11.00 malam, jadi jangan lepaskan peluang untuk bersama-sama memeriahkan perayaan ini serta menikmati Pesta Tanglung dan Pameran Bunga-Bungaan! 🌸🏮✨
*Pemberian ‘angpow’ & limau adalah terhad.
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Pengurusan dan Seluruh Warga Kerja Invest Selangor Berhad mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Ulang Tahun buat YAB Dato’ Seri Amirudin Bin Shari, Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor.
Semoga YAB Dato’ Seri dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki, serta dikurniakan kesihatan yang berpanjangan untuk terus menerajui Selangor ke arah kemajuan dan kesejahteraan.
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Warga Selangor dijemput untuk memeriahkan Sambutan Perayaan Tahun Baru Cina Peringkat Negeri Selangor 2025 yang akan berlangsung pada hari ini, dari jam 5.30 petang hingga 11.00 malam, bertempat di Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Temple, Jenjarom. Pelbagai aktiviti menarik menanti anda, termasuk persembahan kebudayaan, tarian singa, serta pesta tanglung yang penuh warna-warni.
Kerajaan Negeri Selangor juga akan menyampaikan sumbangan angpow kepada kanak-kanak berusia di bawah 12 tahun serta pemberian buah limau.
*Pemberian ‘angpow’ & limau adalah terhad.
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